terça-feira, 7 de maio de 2013

Ministro palestra sobre Alquimia, Acupuntura e Medicação Quântica nesta quinta, 19h, em São Paulo.

Há ligações possíveis entre a Medicina Tradicional Chinesa e os princípios da Alquimia?
Pode a Alquimia Floral associar-se à Acupuntura?
E os atuais florais quânticos?
O que significam estas ferramentas na qualidade de vida e bem estar?

Será cobrada uma taxa, simbólica, de R$ 20,00

Minister lecture on Alchemy Alchemy Floral, Acupuncture and Quantum on Thursday, 19h in Sao Paulo
There are possible connections between traditional Chinese medicine and the principles of alchemy?
Alchemy can join the Floral Acupuncture?
And the current floral quantum?
What are these tools on quality of life and well-being?

A fee, symbolic of R $ 20.00

Minister lecture on Alchemy Alchemy Floral, Acupuncture and Quantum on Thursday, 19h in Sao Paulo
There are possible connections between traditional Chinese medicine and the principles of alchemy?
Alchemy can join the Floral Acupuncture?
And the current floral quantum?
What are these tools on quality of life and well-being?

A fee, symbolic of R $ 20.00...

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