In International Workshop on Quantum Health, held in Recife, PE, at the beginning of last year - 2011 - in an exclusive interview, Dr. Amit Goswami ensures that we are on track. Ensures that acupuncture will be the core of the future of medicine and science today that almost proves the existence of God.
Dr. Amit Goswami is physical, PhD in nuclear physics. After being born in India, as the son of guru, abandoned the religious roots and became a researcher and professor of theoretical physics at the University of Oregon, USA, for 32 years.
After a crisis, shifted its focus to quantum cosmology, quantum mechanics applications in relation to the mind and body. Among his books, the controversial Physics of the Soul.
Namaste - The God in me greets
the God who dwells in you!
Today he combines knowledge of mystical traditions with scientific exploration and seeks to unify quantum physics and spirituality. It was the film's protagonist Somo About Us? that became box office success in the United States and Brazil.
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