A frase título deste filme é de Eneida Mara Gonçalves, professora de Acupuntura da Universidade Santo Amaro – Unisa e presidente da Biomac – Associação Biomédica de Acupuntura.
Ela entrevistou-me no Salutis, programa de TV pela Internet que criei em 2009, quando fez um balanço do programa e falamos, obviamente, de Acupuntura.
Resultados positivos: pouco mais de três anos realizamos 87 entrevistas com várias racionalidades: medicina chinesa, acupuntura, psicologia, antroposofia, nutrição, odontologia, massoterapia, ortomolecular, constelação familiar, reiki, tai chi chuan, bold talk, cinesiologia,
fitoterapia, parto humanizado, florais, alquimia e promovemos reflexões para o profissional da saúde e das pessoas em geral.
Falamos de filosofia clínica, saúde e sustentabilidade, relação médico paciente, códigos inconscientes, amor na cura, medicina quântica e assim criamos um espaço multiprofissional – de médicos a terapeutas, passando por filósofos, psicólogos e jornalistas, psicanalistas e até religiosos.
Confira a entrevista clicando aqui
The phrase is the title of this movie Aeneid Mara Gonçalves, a professor at the University of Santo Amaro Acupuncture - Unisa and president of Biomac - Biomedical Acupuncture Association.
She interviewed me on Salutis, Internet TV program that I created in 2009, when they took stock of the program and speak of course of acupuncture.
Positive results: slightly more than three years we conducted 87 interviews with various rationales: Chinese medicine, acupuncture, psychology, anthroposophy, nutrition, dentistry, massage therapy, orthomolecular, family constellation, reiki, tai chi chuan, bold talk, kinesiology, herbology, humanized birth , floral, alchemy and reflections to promote the health professional and the people in general.
We talked philosophy of clinical, health and sustainability, doctor patient relationship, codes unconscious love in healing, quantum medicine and thus create a space multi - from doctors to therapists, past philosophers, psychologists and journalists, psychoanalysts and even religious.
Check out the interview by clicking here
The phrase is the title of this movie Aeneid Mara Gonçalves, a professor at the University of Santo Amaro Acupuncture - Unisa and president of Biomac - Biomedical Acupuncture Association.
She interviewed me on Salutis, Internet TV program that I created in 2009, when they took stock of the program and speak of course of acupuncture.
Positive results: slightly more than three years we conducted 87 interviews with various rationales: Chinese medicine, acupuncture, psychology, anthroposophy, nutrition, dentistry, massage therapy, orthomolecular, family constellation, reiki, tai chi chuan, bold talk, kinesiology, herbology, humanized birth , floral, alchemy and reflections to promote the health professional and the people in general.
We talked philosophy of clinical, health and sustainability, doctor patient relationship, codes unconscious love in healing, quantum medicine and thus create a space multi - from doctors to therapists, past philosophers, psychologists and journalists, psychoanalysts and even religious.
Check out the interview by clicking here
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