Todos gostam do belo e o culto à beleza faz parte da vida. Nesse sentido, a estética teve grande impulso na Grécia, sobretudo em seu apogeu civilizatório em 1500 a.C. com suas métricas e medidas canônicas em desenhos lógicos que encantam até hoje.
Mas, em se tratando do corpo físico a pergunta é: será preciso tanta ginástica para ficar belo? Neste programa Salutis, entrevistei a fisioterapeuta, acupunturista, pós-graduada em fisiologia pela USP e atriz Daniela Barbosa.
Ela trabalha com antiginástica,
técnica que busca a sua história pela história de seu corpo baseada na técnica desenvolvida por Thérèse Bertherat. A consciência desperta por movimentos.
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Everyone loves beautiful and the cult of beauty is part of life. In this sense, the aesthetic had great momentum in Greece, particularly at its peak of civilization in 1500 BC with their canonical metrics and measures in logical designs that delight today.
But in the case of the physical body the question is, will need much exercise to stay beautiful? Salutis this program, I interviewed a physiotherapist, acupuncturist, a graduate degree in physiology from USP and actress Daniela Barbosa. She works with antiginástica, a technique that seeks its history the history of your body based on the technique developed by Thérèse Bertherat. The waking consciousness movements.
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Daniela Barbosa |
Ela trabalha com antiginástica,
técnica que busca a sua história pela história de seu corpo baseada na técnica desenvolvida por Thérèse Bertherat. A consciência desperta por movimentos.
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Everyone loves beautiful and the cult of beauty is part of life. In this sense, the aesthetic had great momentum in Greece, particularly at its peak of civilization in 1500 BC with their canonical metrics and measures in logical designs that delight today.
But in the case of the physical body the question is, will need much exercise to stay beautiful? Salutis this program, I interviewed a physiotherapist, acupuncturist, a graduate degree in physiology from USP and actress Daniela Barbosa. She works with antiginástica, a technique that seeks its history the history of your body based on the technique developed by Thérèse Bertherat. The waking consciousness movements.
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