Feliz com as novas pesquisas, garanto que elas apenas começam como florais nas agulhas, cremes com óleos essenciais e ventosas com magnetos, por exemplo ... uma sinergia, entre acupuntura e alquimia floral, que está apenas começando.
Começando, mas com excelentes resultados...
Synergy between Alchemy and Acupuncture triggers search. And it gives excellent results "
In analogy between Alchemy - Sulphur, Salt and Mercurius - one can also cite the trinity Heaven, Earth and Man, the Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in both the micro and macrocosmic sense, Hermes, the Trimegistrus. Both in the universe as the body of man.
Here, I explain how acupuncture works with the rules Mother Son and Grandson Grandfather, besides commenting on the movement of elements in Chinese medicine and alchemy.
Happy with the new research, I guarantee you they just begin as the needles floral, essential oils and creams with suction cups with magnets, for example ... a synergy between acupuncture and floral alchemy, which is just beginning.
Beginning, but with excellent results ...
Check out.
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