Tateando pelas internáuticas páginas atrás dos acontecimentos do dia 5 de novembro, próxima segunda, para abrir o programa Salutis - que apresento toda segunda ao vivo pela ALLTV - costumeiramente citando fatos e acontecimentos históricos relevantes da data, deparei-me com feliz informação.

E que orador.
Considerado como um dos intelectuais mais brilhantes de seu tempo, foi um dos organizadores da República e coautor da constituição da Primeira República.
Lutou pelo federalismo, abolicionismo e atuou na promoção dos direitos e garantias
individuais. Deputado, senador, ministro candidatou-se à Presidência da
República em duas ocasiões.
Excelente orador e estudioso da língua portuguesa, além de membro fundador presidiu a Academia Brasileira de Letras entre 1908 e 1919.
A alcunha Águia de Haia lhe foi outorgada quando, em 1907, foi delegado do Brasil na II Conferência da Paz em Haia, ao defender o princípio da igualdade dos Estados.
Excelente orador e estudioso da língua portuguesa, além de membro fundador presidiu a Academia Brasileira de Letras entre 1908 e 1919.
A alcunha Águia de Haia lhe foi outorgada quando, em 1907, foi delegado do Brasil na II Conferência da Paz em Haia, ao defender o princípio da igualdade dos Estados.
Entre outras tantas frases, dele, lembro de uma, gravada brilhantemente pelo ator Rolando Boldrin, logo abaixo o link do youtube, em um texto Tenho Vergonha de Mim de Cleide Canton e Rui Barbosa.
"De tanto ver triunfar as nulidades, de tanto ver prosperar a desonra, de tanto ver crescer a injustiça,
de tanto ver agigantarem-se os poderes nas mãos dos maus,
o homem chega a desanimar da virtude e a ter vergonha de ser honesto..."
o homem chega a desanimar da virtude e a ter vergonha de ser honesto..."
Infelizmente, tão atual como nunca....
Veja gravação com o ator Rolando Boldrin, Sinto Vergonha de Mim - baseado em texto de Cleide Canton e Rui Barbosa - Aqui
Quem desejar informações históricas sobre o evento de 1907 pode clicar aqui
Groping for internáuticas pages behind the events of November 5, next Monday, to open the program Salutis - I present every Monday live on ALLTV - usually citing relevant facts and historical events of the day, I came across Happy information.
The birth of Rui Barbosa. Lawyer, politician, diplomat, writer, philologist, translator and great orator.
And that speaker.
Considered one of the most brilliant intellectuals of his time, was one of the organizers of the Republic and co-author of the constitution of the First Republic.
Fought for federalism, abolitionism and served in the promotion of individual rights and guarantees. Congressman, senator, minister ran for the presidency twice.
Excellent speaker and scholar of the Portuguese language, and a founding member chaired the Brazilian Academy of Letters between 1908 and 1919.
The Hague Eagle nickname was given to him when, in 1907, was the delegate of Brazil II Peace Conference at The Hague to defend the principle of equality of States.
Among many other sentences him remember one, recorded brilliantly by actor Rolando Boldrin, just below the youtube link in a text I'm Ashamed of Me Cleide Canton and Rui Barbosa.
"From both see the triumph nonentities, both of dishonor see prosper, grow to see much injustice, so much to see agigantarem power in the hands of the wicked,
man comes to the virtue and discourage ashamed to be honest ... "
Unfortunately, as current as ever ....
See recording with actor Rolando Boldrin, I feel ashamed of Me - text-based Cleide Canton and Rui Barbosa - Here
Anyone wanting information about the historical event of 1907 can click here
Groping for internáuticas pages behind the events of November 5, next Monday, to open the program Salutis - I present every Monday live on ALLTV - usually citing relevant facts and historical events of the day, I came across Happy information.
The birth of Rui Barbosa. Lawyer, politician, diplomat, writer, philologist, translator and great orator.
And that speaker.
Considered one of the most brilliant intellectuals of his time, was one of the organizers of the Republic and co-author of the constitution of the First Republic.
Fought for federalism, abolitionism and served in the promotion of individual rights and guarantees. Congressman, senator, minister ran for the presidency twice.
Excellent speaker and scholar of the Portuguese language, and a founding member chaired the Brazilian Academy of Letters between 1908 and 1919.
The Hague Eagle nickname was given to him when, in 1907, was the delegate of Brazil II Peace Conference at The Hague to defend the principle of equality of States.
Among many other sentences him remember one, recorded brilliantly by actor Rolando Boldrin, just below the youtube link in a text I'm Ashamed of Me Cleide Canton and Rui Barbosa.
"From both see the triumph nonentities, both of dishonor see prosper, grow to see much injustice, so much to see agigantarem power in the hands of the wicked,
man comes to the virtue and discourage ashamed to be honest ... "
Unfortunately, as current as ever ....
See recording with actor Rolando Boldrin, I feel ashamed of Me - text-based Cleide Canton and Rui Barbosa - Here
Anyone wanting information about the historical event of 1907 can click here