Com a biorressonância é possível... Confira
realizar mais de 700
diagnósticos e reproduzir mais de 14 mil medicamentos homeopáticos e florais,
além da possibilidade de realizar testes alérgicos, avaliar toxinas e estresse
Bioressonância was the theme of the day Salutis September 3, 2012, when I interviewed Dr. Francisco Vianna Filho, MD graduated from Unicamp in 1981. Specialist in geriatrics and internal medicine, homeopathy and acupuncture by the Brazilian Association of Acupuncture - ABA, he works with orthomolecular medicine, medicine and biological medicine German works.
With bioressonância can carry more than 700 diagnostic and play more than 14 thousand homeopathic and flower, plus the ability to perform allergy testing, evaluating electromagnetic toxins and stress.
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