De fato, os alquimistas eram iniciados nos mistérios que afirmavam buscar a transformação de chumbo em ouro para fugir da Santa Inquisição, a entidade que mandava à fogueira tanto bruxas e bruxos, como gnósticos e mágicos... (continue lendo... o link do programa está aqui)
que não se curvavam aos seus ditames.
Além disso, as atividades de “solve e coagula” aplicadas na transformação dos metais também era um caminho de busca e transformação interior dos alquimistas.
De fato, uma trilha da alquimia, da acupuntura e da medicina chinesa.
Alchemy and acupuncture: two great systems of treatment and cure!
In the two powerful tools of healing and treatment, signs and symptoms are seen with good eyes. Not as something desired, but as a sign that something is not right. And they will need to perform a course correction.
Although best known in the Middle Ages, Alchemy is much older. There are Arabic, Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Chinese, among others.
In fact, the alchemists were initiated into the mysteries claiming seek the transformation of lead into gold to escape the Inquisition, the entity that sent the fire both witches and wizards, and magical as Gnostics do not bowing to its dictates.
Moreover, the activities of "solve and coagula" applied in the processing of metals was also a journey of discovery and inner transformation of the alchemists.
In fact, a trail of alchemy, acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
Check out.
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